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How Long Does A First Aid Training Certificate Last?

Officially a first aid training certificate will last for three years, but it is strongly recommended that you get it renewed before then if you intend to keep being a trained first aider.


How long does a first aid training certificate last?

A first aid training certificate will only last three years. The certificates have expiry dates on them to ensure that those practicing first aid are up-to-date and aware of any changes that might have occurred since they took the test.

However, the HSE recommends that all workplace first aiders take an annual refresher first aid course. This is to ensure that they are remembering everything accurately and will keep abreast of any changes to procedures and policies.

When should you redo your training?

Despite the certificate running out after three years, most people will complete their refresher before it expires. This is because it is a legal requirement for workplaces to have a first aider available, so if your certificate has expired and they are still referring to you as their first aider they will be operating outside of the law.


How to know when your certificate has expired

Most first aid certificates will display the date that they are issued and then either an expiry date or a sentence explaining the length of time that it is valid for. So, if you are unsure when your first aid training certificate will expire, checking on the actual certificate itself is recommended.

Also, if you undertook the training as a workplace requirement, they would generally keep that information on file. This is to make sure that they are still functioning within the legal requirements of having a first aider on site.

Why is it important to renew your first aider certification?

There are many reasons why it is important to renew your first aider certification, depending on why you took the course in the first place.

If you are your workplace first aider, one of the reasons to renew your qualification is for your company to maintain their legal compliance.

It is also important to renew your first aid training so that you remain competent and effective in emergency situations. It can be fairly easy to miss minor steps or suffer from a lack of confidence if you haven’t practiced in a while. By renewing your certification, you will be able to practice regularly even if you aren’t using the skills in an actual emergency.

Things may have changed since you originally began your first aid training, so it is always advisable to stay up to date on anything that could affect the way you are treating someone. Having to renew your qualification is a good way to ensure that this happens.


The laws around first aiders in the workplace

There are some laws in place on first aid requirements in a workplace. For example, The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 states that every workplace should provide first aid personnel. This means that your workplace has a vested interest in keeping your first aid training certification up to date or to have someone trained and ready to take over once yours has expired.

While there is no stipulation on the number of first aid trained staff a company would need, there is the statement that it must be “adequate” and “appropriate”. This means that it is up to the employer and their risk assessments to determine how many members of staff within their company need to remain first aid trained to provide support for the entire workforce.

What is the difference between a refresher and a requalification first aid course?

A refresher course and a requalification course are very different things. To requalify you need to retake the whole course again, whereas a refresher course is there to refresh your knowledge anytime (usually once a year) before you need to requalify.

A first aid refresher course

A refresher course is one of the HSE’s recommendations. It is not a compulsory part of having a first aid certification, however it is recommended that first aiders complete an annual refresher course to make sure that their skills remain sharp, and their knowledge is up-to-date.

A first aid requalification course

The course you take to requalify is the same course that you would have taken originally. It is a mandatory requirement if you wish to remain as a qualified first aider.


Our first aid courses:

If your first aid training certification has expired, take a look at the courses we offer below:


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