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A Guide To First Aiders In The Workplace

Here are some frequently asked questions

Which laws govern First Aider requirements?

The Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 means employers must ensure that there is appropriate first aid training within the workplace. It is the duty of every employer to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work are maintained so far as is reasonably practical. Failing to comply with Health and Safety can result in restrictions, closure of business premises, fines and even imprisonment under the Corporate Manslaughter Act 1997.

How many people do I need to train in my workplace?

To evaluate the number of First Aiders required in your workplace, you should carry out a risk assessment. This will highlight the level of risk and potential hazards associated with all areas and facilities. Provision of First Aiders should be based on the findings of this assessment. The number of employees will also have a bearing on the number of First Aiders required, as will the shift patterns, potential holidays and sickness patterns of your trained personnel. There will need to be First Aider provision at all times.

Use our First Aid Needs Assessment Calculator by clicking here. This will give you a indication of the number of first aiders you require for your business.

Here is a further guide from the HSE of the category and number of first aid personnel to be available at all times people are at work. This is for guidance only and will not reflect the findings of your risk assessment and needs assessment.



What is the difference between an Appointed Person and a First Aider?

An Appointed Person trained in Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW), as stated in the First Aid at Work, Health & Safety Document, Approved Code of Practice & Guidance (L74), ‘includes looking after the first aid equipment and calling the emergency services when required’. A First Aider trained in First Aid at Work (FAW) will have enhanced training to allow better competency and understanding of the signs and symptoms of common first aid occurrences. The aim of first aid is the immediate help or treatment of a person following an accident, illness or injury. The shared aim of a First Aider and an Appointed Person is to preserve life, prevent a condition from becoming worse and promote recovery.

Safety First Aid Training specialise in workplace First Aid and Health & Safety Training. We can discuss your requirements and help you implement an efficient and effective training regime. Click here to contact us.


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