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First Aid Advice

In addition to the courses we offer, here you’ll find first aid advice and news from Safety First Aid Training to help you deal with a range of common accidents and conditions in everyday life, be that at work, home or play. However, in an emergency, always dial 999.

  1. Driver CPC – Certificate of Professional Competence

    Driver CPC was launched as an EU Directive 2003/59 and runs in line with a vocational driving licence. The training is intended for drivers of vehicles over 3.5 tonnes and passenger carrying vehicles (PCV) that hold 9 or more passengers. The aim of CPC training is to improve the skills and competence throughout a driver’s…

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  2. Safety First Aid Training to Offer QCF Courses

    Update on new first aid regulations Following our previous First Aid Regulation update article in March 2013, the HSE have been busy releasing further draft papers before officially submitting the revised Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations to parliament. A draft paper was released to stakeholders on 14th August 2013 with some minor amends to…

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  3. Hydrofluoric Acid and First Aid

    Hydrofluoric acid is a dangerous, corrosive and poisonous substance that can take the form of liquid or vapour. It has a number of industrial and commercial applications, and any workplace which stores and uses hydrofluoric acid must be prepared for the risks posed to employees by this substance. The dangers of exposure to Hydrofluoric Acid…

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  4. Automated External Defibrillator (AED) FAQs

    Some questions and answers about AED units At Safety First Aid Training, we are strong advocates of defibrillators (AED’s) in the workplace. The price to pay for ensuring there is an AED unit in your workplace is minimal compared to the statistics that prove the effectiveness of these devices. For every minute that passes without…

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  5. Heat Exhaustion – How to Treat a Casualty

    Hot weather can easily lead to a hot working environment. This type of environment may trigger heat exhaustion and, in severe circumstances, heat stroke. Heat exhaustion occurs when there is a loss of water and salt through excessive sweating. Physical exercise can also cause heat exhaustion. Heat stroke is a serious condition where sweating will…

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  6. The Importance of First Aid Training

    When it comes to first aid training, some people may have some basic experience, perhaps picked up at school, whereas others will have no idea what to do if someone is injured. While it can easily pass you by, undergoing some kind of first aid training would be worthwhile, as having the knowledge and never…

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  7. Change to First Aid Regulations

    HSE release draft guidance for first aid regulations The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) will no longer approve first aid training providers. Following the review of the Health & Safety Regulations (First Aid) 1981 by Professor Ragnar Löfstedt, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has produced draft papers outlining changes to the HSE approval process…

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  8. Ensure Your Fire Marshals Are Fully Qualified

      Ensure You Comply with The Regulatory (Fire Safety) Order 2005 The Regulatory (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into effect on 1st October 2006. This legislation requires any person who exercises some level of control over premises to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk from fire and ensure that occupants can safely escape in…

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  9. The New 111 Phone Line is Launched

    Is it an emergency or not? The new 111 phone line for non-urgent medical advice launched for a trial period in April 2012. The 111 service was initially launched in the North-East and is being rolled out to cover more areas of the UK. Depending on performance, the service may expand to cover the whole…

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  10. The Value of Having First Aid Trained Individuals in Sports Settings

    Although first aid can prove vital in all manner of situations, it is fair to say that it is invaluable in sporting scenarios. Indeed, the extreme physical exertion, prolonged physiological stress and potential for falls and collisions, which are part and parcel of most sporting endeavours, mean that the risk of getting hurt or becoming…

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