Winter Offer - 30% Off First Aid Courses

Mental Health First Aid Champions (1 Day)

Online Courses Available

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Poor mental health costs UK employers an estimated £34.9 billion each year – the equivalent of £1,300 for every employee in the UK workforce. Broken down, that’s £10.6 billion in sickness absence, £21.2 billion in reduced productivity, and £3.1 billion in replacing staff who leave their jobs for mental health-related reasons. Simple steps to improve the management of mental health in the workplace will allow employers to save 30% or more of these costs – at least £10 billion a year. This is where Safety First Aid Training can help.

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis.

You won’t be taught to be a therapist, but just like physical First Aid, it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis.

Adult MHFA courses are for everyone aged 16 upwards. Every MHFA course is delivered by a quality assured instructor who has attended the Mental Health First Aid Association (MHFA) Instructor Training programme accredited by the Royal Society for Public Health, and is trained to keep people safe and supported while they learn.


How will I learn?

Learning takes place through a mix of group activities, presentations and discussions.


How will attending a Mental Health First Aid course help?

Research and evaluation shows that taking part in an MHFA course:
• Raises awareness and mental health literacy
• Reduces stigma around mental ill health
• Boosts knowledge and confidence in dealing with mental health issues
• Promotes early intervention which enables recovery


One Day – MHFA Champions Course

This one day mental health awareness and skills course qualifies you as an MHFA Champion.
MHFA Champions have:
• An understanding of common mental health issues
• Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
• Ability to spot signs of mental ill health
• Skills to support positive wellbeing


We limit numbers to 12 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn.

Through a mix of group activities, presentations and discussions, the course is built around a Mental Health First Aid action plan. Everyone who completes the course gets an MHFA manual to keep and refer to whenever they need it, and a certificate from Mental Health First Aid England to say they are an MHFA Champion.

You’ll also get a copy of the Line Managers’ Resource, an invaluable source of advice on how to support an employee experiencing mental ill health. Although there will be no expiry date on your certificate, MHFA England recommends that you re-sit the course every three years in order to keep yourself up to date with knowledge and techniques.

For pricing, please contact our training team on 020 8203 7447 or email


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Mental Health First Aid Champions (1 Day)

Public Courses: from £200

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Private Courses: from £1499

Contact us to book

Who Should Attend?

For everyone aged 16 upwards who has an interest in mental health, wants to learn about some common mental health issues and develop skills to support positive wellbeing.

Call one of our training experts on
020 8203 7447 or email


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On Site Training

Whilst you can take most of our courses at our training centres throughout London, we are able to offer on-site training with a national coverage.

This means that once you’ve booked the course, we will arrange a date and time to visit your workplace or venue of choice to conduct the training course.

The course tutors and all the training resources required are brought to you. All you need to do is to provide a room which is large enough to accommodate all the delegates and practical exercises. We can then take care of the rest!

Contact us to make an enquiry for on-site training and one of our training experts will get in contact to discuss the options with you.

On-site Training Price

From £1499.00

(Additional travel expenses may be charged in some areas)


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